When it comes to starting the day well, I believe that a ‘smoothie’ can provide some of the best nutrients, make then super easily absorbable, is easy to make and can be taken with you as you go to work if you lead a busy lifestyle (or in my case, making nutritious kids brekkies too!).

I like to jam pack as much nutrition into breakfast as possible – that way I know that I have started the day well and if I don’t get a chance to eat until lunch, I won’t be ravenously hungry, my blood sugars will still be stable and my cells are getting the fuel that they need.

Here is a basic recipe that can built upon to your particular taste preferences and food options. The only essential item is a blender or bamix. Enjoy and stay healthy.

1/ Soak a small handful of almonds, cashews and/or goji berries in filtered water (200mL per person) or coconut water

2/ Add 1-3 tsp cacao powder & cacao nibs

3/ Add 1-3 tsp maca powder

4/ Add a small handful of frozen or fresh berries,with abanana, mango or seasonal fruits

5/ Add protein powder 20-30g, if seeking to build muscle or lose weight (I prefer a pea protein or hemp powder/protein)

6/ Blend until perfect drinking consistency (add more filtered water or rice milk and blend until perfect).

7/ Drink, but do swirl in mouth to let saliva do its thing.


This awesome breakfast is all about taste to mix the fruits and superfoods until you get it right for taste preference, but don’t compromise on nutrition.