Nutrition Counselling with Lilydale’s Dietitians

You have been wonderfully made. You are valuable. You were created for a purpose.

BDHH is pleased to have two Accredited Practicing Dietitians who consult from our clinic, offering specialties in different areas – eating disorders, disordered eating, general well-being, diabetes, cardiovascular health, and oncology management. Sarah and Emily have availabilities over the course of the week and are both passionate about people improving their well-being through nutrition counselling. GP referrals are welcome and private health insurance rebates may be available depending on your coverage. Working with a Dietitian is a transformative process and requires full engagement from both practitioner and client. In-person and Telehealth consultations are available, so more people can access the Dietetics service.

General Wellbeing
Intuitive Eating
Eating Disorders
Cardiovascular Disease
Oncology (Cancer)

Food Freedom

Food doesn’t need rules. You weren’t created to control what, how or when you eat. You were created to enjoy all food and nourish yourself in a way that makes you feel good and pursue health.

It is possible to break free from food rules and leave the guilt behind. You can learn to trust your body. You can get off the diet train and enjoy all foods without fear and shame.

Body Peace

Finding peace with your body is learning how to find your worth outside of your body, rather than the number of scales.

It’s providing your body with the nourishment that it needs and finding movement that brings you joy.

It’s realising that you have purpose in the body you are in.

Holistic Health

Relfecting on your health as a whole acknowledges that health encompassess all areas of life – physical, mental, social and spiritual health.

Nutrition counselling gently guides reflection on your relationship with food and your body holistically to encourage the unity of all areas for greater well-being.

About Sarah King | Dietitian
Appointments available on Wednesday afternoons 12pm - 5pm in clinic.

Sarah enjoys working with anyone who would like to improve their relationship with food and their body. She has experience with those living with an eating disorder such as Anorexia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and Bulimia Nervosa as well as those who have any concerns around their weight and the diets just aren't working!

Sarah works through a Health At Every Size (HAES) lense and uses a non diet approach by working through Intuitive Eating Skills, Body Image Therapy and Acceptance Commitment Therapy as appropriate with her clients.

When she's not working, Sarah is a mamma of two boys and loves to be outside! If it's camping, hiking, or the beach - nature is the place where she feels grateful and grounded.
About Emily Hummel | Dietitian
Emily holds a Bachelor of Nutrition Science and a Masters of Dietetics, completed at Deakin University.

From a young age, Emily has longed to use her Dietetic knowledge to empower people to develop the skills needed to positively change their lives and achieve their goals nutritionally and has experience aiding those living with diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Emily takes an holistic approach to health, by looking at all factors that affect nutrition and our diet including environment, physical and mental health, and lifestyle factors. Then using a collaborative approach to nutrition counselling and intuitive eating, to achieve a client’s nutrition and health goals.

In her free time, Emily loves learning and enjoys watching documentaries on almost anything. She is a great lover of Pride and Prejudice, music and her adorable puppy and will always make time for them in her life. She also enjoys swimming and family time, when not consulting as a Dietitian.
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Go to our booking page to view prices and appointment times.
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