What is an Exercise Physiologist?
An Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) is an allied health professional equipped with the knowledge, skills and competencies to design, deliver and evaluate safe and effective exercise interventions based on evidence for individuals with acute, sub-acute or chronic medical conditions, injuries or disabilities. AEP’s treat individuals of all ages.

What to Expect
- At your initial appointment, the AEP will discuss with you your main purpose for referral, medical history, exercise goals and goals.
- The exercise physiologist will conduct an assessment to determine your current functional status.
- From this evidence based exercise intervention will be designed to target your goals. This is unique to you and your current health status.
- Follow-up appointments will be required to ensure progression towards your goals. The intervals of these follow-up appointments will be determined by the AEP in conjunction with you.
- With the AEP it will be determined if a Home Exercise Program, In-Clinic Program or a combination of both will be most beneficial for you. Make sure you wear clothing and footwear appropriate to exercise in!
What are the benefits?
The benefits of exercise as a treatment for a range of conditions is well documented. The benefits will differ depending on any medical conditions, injuries and disabilities.
Most individuals will start to see the benefits of regular exercise after 6-12 weeks. AEP’s take a holistic approach to the treatment of conditions, injuries and disabilities, looking at physical, mental and social factors that can affect your health.
Some benefits of exercise are:
- Increased Quality of Life
- Improved ability to perform activities of daily living
- Prevention of Chronic Conditions(Such as Type-2 Diabetes)
- Management of Chronic Conditions
*Please note our exercise space is located upstairs, if you are unable to walk upstairs please call reception to discuss alternative arragements.
Ischemic Heart Disease
Chronic Heart Failure
Peripheral Heart Disease
Soft tissue injuries
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Cystic Fibrosis
High Cholesterol
Hyper and Hypo Thyroidism
Metabolic Syndrome
Overweight and Obesity
Gestational Diabetes
Can be during treatment or remission
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Pre-natal care
Post-natal care
Pelvic Floor
Multiple Sclerosis
Cerebral Palsy
Traumatic Brain Injury
End Stage Renal Disease
Post Kidney Transplant
Diabetic Nephropathy
Affective Disorders
Psychotic Disorders and Trauma
Stressors Related Disorders
Prescription Exercise as Medicine
BDHH is pleased to be partnering with BodyFixEP to continue to provide excellent exercise prescription services in both one on one consults and group classes. Maddi and Jaimie will be available Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays to begin with, and look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve better health with appropriate exercise interventions, tailored to your needs.
Consult Times
Available Monday – Friday

About Sarah Morgan | AEP
Sarah (AEP) graduated from Deakin University in 2020 with a Masters in Clinical Exercise Physiology, Exercise Science and Business (Sports Management). She has a history of working in high performance, general population and clinical population groups.Sarah’s keen interests include oncology care, specifically breast cancer, along with women’s health, peri and pre-natal clientele. When not working alongside her BFEP colleagues, she enjoys training and walking her beautiful adopted American Staffy, Duke, and spending time with family and friends, which grew recently with the birth of their first child.
Sarah is available on Wednesday mornings @ BDHH for group class at 9am and individual appointments.

About Jaimie Cornwell | AEP
Jaimie is an experienced Exercise Physiologist and also the owner of BodyfixEP. Jaimie graduated from Victoria University in 2013 with a Masters of Applied Science in Exercise Rehabilitation and started BodyfixEP 6 years ago. Her main areas of interest are in musculoskeletal and neurological rehabilitation as well as running education sessions on chronic disease management. Jaimie has a history with clinical Pilates and women’s health which is a very enjoyable field to work in. When not working at BodyfixEP she is home with her 2 year old daughter and also enjoys spending time with family and friends.
About Maddi Williams | AEP
Maddi recently graduated as an Exercise Physiologist, but has been a part of the BodyFix EP team for the last two years as an Exercise Scientist and NDIS Therapy Assistant whilst completing her studies. Maddi graduated with her Masters of Clinical Exercise Physiology at ACU after finalising her Bachelors of Exercise and Sport Science from Deakin University at the end of 2019. She finished her final placements in neurological rehab, paediatrics & multitrauma inpatient and outpatient hospital rehab.Maddi is really looking forward to working with a wide variety of conditions and injuries. Soon, Maddi will be attempting to run a half marathon to raise funds for cancer research, and also enjoys spending time with family and friends.

About Steph Bollaart | AEP
Steph is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist who graduated her Masters of Clinical Exercise Physiology and Bachelors of Exercise & Sport Science at ACU. She is highly passionate about wellbeing and health, ensuring individuals can reach their specific rehabilitation and sporting goals. Steph utilizes exercise to restore strength and improve function. she enjoys working with a variety of chronic conditions including hypertension, diabetes, arthritis and treatment of lower limb injuries(hip/ knee/ ankle/ foot) as well as sporting injuries. Outside of work she enjoys travelling to the beach, running and paddle boarding.Where To Find Us?