BDHH is pleased to be offering Mental Health First Aid Training, undertaken by Registered Psychologist, Daniel Berends. We are running these 2 day courses every few months for individuals and organisations. We invite you to follow the link below to find out more or register your place.

Why complete MHFA training?

1 in 5 Australians will experience a mental health problem meaning all of us are likely to know someone who is experiencing a mental health problem, whether that is a family member, a friend or colleague.

MHFA courses teach participants about a range of mental illness and how to use practical, skills-based approaches to assess and respond to someone experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis in your community or workplace.

By Becoming a Mental Health First Aider, you will be equipped with practical skills, knowledge, and confidence to listen, connect and support someone experiencing a mental health problem.


MHFA Officers are accredited by Mental Health First Aid Australia to provide mental health first aid within their worksite. Providing initial support and helping refer to professional support if needed.

MHFA courses do this by teaching participants about the signs and symptoms of mental health struggles and follow up with the practical skills needed to support someone experiencing a mental health problem, or experiencing a mental health crisis until appropriate professional help is received.



They will learn how to recognise the signs and symptoms of mental health problems and how to support people to find help.


They will learn the ALGEE® Action Plan and be equipped with the skills to help an individual with a mental health problem.


Learn Evidence based knowledge and approaches to provide support to your community or workplace.


Supporting mental health effectively improves wellbeing by decreasing
stigmatizing attitudes and increasing supportive community spaces.

Meet the Facilitator
About Daniel Berends | Psychologist
Daniel is a registered Psychologist who emphasizes client’s individual experience, values, and goals as the center of evidence-based treatment in a relaxed and non-judgmental environment.

Daniel has a personal enthusiasm for how acceptance and mindful awareness can deepen our understanding of ourselves, others, and life in general. He has training in, and practices, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Daniel focuses on bringing perspective to issues we face by molding the therapeutic process to you as an individual, and your world as a whole, to understand thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and then plan for improving your experience of life.

Daniel also has a special interest and over a decade’s experience in supporting families and individuals effected by Autism and/or disability and understands the importance of neurodiversity in how we experience difficulties in life.

Bookings for organisations can be made to run this training in-house with Dan