Positions : Clinic Receptionist, Practice Manager

Non attendance of appointments and late cancellations should be the exception and not the rule. This procedural document outlines the process BDHH admin and practitioners can follow in this circumstance.

BDHH provides high quality health care to the local outer eastern regions of Melbourne. Our fee structure should be clearly articulated and presented prior to an appointment with any of our health professionals. It is a clear expectation that patients and clients attending BDHH for a consultation will pay for their appointment and/or any products purchased in conjunction with the appointment. If a client does not attend or provide enough notice for a cancellation, then this procedural policy will come into effect. This framework should serve as a guide to handling non-attendance and late cancellation of patients.


All patients, excluding Psychology, are asked to provide 4 hours minimum notice if they cannot attend their appointment.

For Psychology appointments, 24 hours is requested, except in extreme circumstances and judgment will be left to the Psychologist as to whether a charge will occur.

BDHH understands that sometimes extreme circumstances prevents a patient from attending their scheduled appointment, such as car accident, car breakdown, medical emergency and random events. Consideration will be given in these circumstances.


First occurrence: grace may be afforded the patient, given the circumstances

Second or third occurrence: Implementation of the non-attendance fee will occur and will be clearly communication to patient, along with communication on their Cliniko file.

More than three occurrences: Patient may be declined further appointments or may be requested to pay prior to appointment. Appropriate communication on their Cliniko file will be made.

Late Cancellation

First Occurrence: grace may be afforded the patient, given the circumstances

Second or third occurrence: Implementation of the late cancellation fee (up to the full consultation cost) will occur and will be clearly communication to patient, along with communication on their Cliniko file.

More than three occurrences: Patient may be declined further appointments or may be requested to pay prior to appointment. Appropriate communication on their Cliniko file will be made.


If a patient or client cannot pay on the day of their appointment or within 24 hours of their Telehealth appointment, then the following should occur:

  • No further appointments will be booked until payment is received.
  • Remittance shall be followed up weekly for 4 weeks via phone and email.
  • After 4 weeks, a debt collector will be considered.