Having suffered from fructose sensitivity previously and helping other people with this reatively oppressive condition, it is important that answers be found allowing healing of the digestive tract, nutritional deficiencies to be addressed and the foods that are causing the problem to be avoided. This is a summary introduction to understanding fructose malabsorption better.

In summary, fructose is the fruit sugar . A carbohydrate, composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen that is also a monosaccharide (simple sugar). Natural sources include honey, fruits, berries and some vegetables. Other sources include table sugar, molasses, agave nectar, maple syrup, fruit juices and the nasty high fructose corn syrup (processed foods). Often the cause of digestive issues and health complaints can arise from the excessive consumption of fructose, which has increased from around 20mg/day to sometimes over 120mg/day over the last 100 years. The body cannot deal with the sugar molecules properly and a leaky gut can develop, causing random loose bowel motions, fatigue and weight loss or gain. This is going to put significant strain on the digestive system and therefore the immune system.

But, you can heal yourself. Understanding how much fructose is in which foods is a great starting point. Here is some helpful, easily accessible information:

Common Problem Foods

The following foods are either high in total fructose content, contain a higher ratio of fructose compared to glucose, or contain significant amounts of sorbitol or fructans.

Fruits Apple
Cherry Honeydew
Persimmon Pear
Grape Guava
Mango Paw Paw
Quince Watermelon


Large amounts of dried fruit or fruit juice

Foods containing apple or pear concentrate

Large amounts of stone fruit (sorbitol)

Vegetables (fructans)

*Artichoke *Aparagus
*Chickory *Leek
*Spring onion *Onion
*Radicchio *Tomato paste
*Chutney *Barbeque sauce


Other sources

Coconut milk and cream


Foods with a lot of High Fructose Corn Syrup, or corn syrup solids

Large amounts of high sugar foods, such as soft drinks, cordials and confectionary

Large amounts of wheat (fructans)

Healing your bowels from overexposure to fructose molecules, usually from processed foods containing high fructose corn syrup (HFCS watch out for it in your foods) or a stress response in susceptible individuals, begins with nutrients such as:

glutamine (repair intestines)
aloe vera (soothes and heals bowels)
slippery elm (coats intestinal lining to increase absorption of nutrients)
curcumin (anti-inflammatory)
high dose probiotics (protect intestinal lining)
and digestive enzymes.
Within 6 months of being deliberate and careful and adhering to better eating habits and healing, great outcomes can be achieved.

Contact jonathan@bdhh.com.au for more information or call (03) 9735 7733 to arrange a consultation.