Cranial Osteopathy
A gentle and indirect approach to Osteopathy With Dr Rebecca Feakes – Osteopath
Cranial Osteopathy may Benefit:
1. Pain Releif: It may alleviate various types of pains, including headaches, migraines, and musculoskeletal discomfort.
2. Improved Funcrion: Cranial Osteopathy may enhance musculoskeletal and nervous system function, leading to better mobility and Balance.
3. Stress Reduction: This treatment may reduce stress and tension in the body, promoting relaxation and overall well-being.
4. Enhanced Healing: Cranial Osteopathy may facilitate the body’s natrual healing processes, aiding in recover from injuries or illnesses.
What conditions may Cranial Osteopathy relieve?
Cranial Osteopathy treatment works on muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia, and the nervous and the circulatory systems to facilitate change. Our osteopaths have oserved that this indirect treament may assist in:

Our Osteopathy Techniques
A Cranial Osteopathic treatment uses a gentle approach to restore the body into a state of ease. As Cranial Osteopathy is another tool within the Osteopathic toolkit, it is common for a treatment to contain elements of direct and Cranial Osteopathy, with appropriate techniques chosen to address the presenting complaint and goals of treatment.
In a Cranial Osteopathic treatment, the Osteopath addresses the cranial rhythm using light pressure applied to different areas of the body. This works to aid the release of strain or dysfunction affecting health, and encourage the body to re-establish health and balance. This process may be very relaxing, and some patients even fall asleep!
During the treatment, some patients may be aware of different sensations whilst others may not notice anything at all. We encourage patients to use this time to rest and unwind during treatment.
How we work
Cranial Osteopathy utilises a subtle treatment style to realign and return the whole body to a balanced and functioning unit.
Cranial Osteopaths are trained to sense and feel the subtle, rhythmic movement of all tissues via the Primary Respiratory Mechanism (PRM). They use this palpatory sense to address underlying strain patterns, and help restore the body’s innate self-regulating and self-healing mechanisms.
This gentle treatment is used to treat people of all ages and may be useful for management of various conditions including head & previous facial trauma, TMJ issues, headaches and migraines, lower back and pelvic pain and people with chronic pain.

About Dr. Rebecca Feakes | Osteopath
Dr Rebecca Feakes Rebecca graduated from Victoria University with a Bachelor and Master’s Degree in Osteopathy. During her early years, Rebecca frequently accompanied her father to receive frequent osteopathic treatments. She was intrigued by the holistic, caring, and empathetic nature of the profession and was amazed at the success osteopathy had in helping her father. It was this experience that ignited her passion to help people and began her on her osteopathic journey.Rebecca is highly motivated to help her patients achieve their health goals through holistic, osteopathic care. During university,Rebecca worked at several community clinics across the Yarra Valley and participated in a student exchange to the University College of Osteopathy in London. These experiences have led Rebecca to love treating all types of conditions with a particular interest in pregnancy-related conditions, headaches, lower back pain, osteoarthritis and shoulder pain.Outside of the clinic, you will find Rebecca keeping fit at pole dancing and aerial silks. She is constantly pushing her body to the extremes as she hangs upside down, flips and back bends into positions.
Having done many performances and competitions, Rebecca is continually pushing herself to become a stronger athlete. When she is not doing pole or silks, you will find her somewhere in the gym, lifting weights, stretching, or participating in a Pilates class.
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