Pesto Potato and Chestnut Salad

1 white potato

½ purple sweet potato

½ red onion

4 gloves garlic

6 chestnuts

1.5 cups rocket

½ cup continental parsley

Handful roasted almonds and pinenuts

¼ cup kalamata olives

1/3 cup pesto


Slice potatoes into 1 cm thick slices and then cut in half. Slice red onion into long strips. Place potatoes, onion and whole cloves of garlic in baking dish and drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper. Cut a cross into the chestnuts and bake in oven with potatoes at 180 degrees for about half an hour or until you can put a knife through the chestnuts and the potatoes are soft and slightly crispy. You may need to take the onion and garlic out earlier.

Meanwhile, toss rocket, parsley and olives in bowl. When the potatoes, onion, garlic and chestnuts are soft and ready, combine with the rocket and stir through pesto (see recipe below). Top with roasted nuts and enjoy!

Pesto ingredients:

2 cups tightly packed basil

¼ cup pine nuts

1/3 cup olive oil

2 cloves garlic

Salt, to taste

Lemon juice, optional