Symptoms of Spondylosis
A lot of people may not realize they have some form of degenerative lower back/spinal pain until they may experience some of the following symptoms
Stiffness and pain in the morning, while trying to wake up.
Pain radiating down into the buttocks or back of the thighs (sciatica).
If the neck is the problem region – pain and stiffness in the neck.
Often up and down , varying pain intensity from day to day.
Pain is often worse when leaning backwards or to the side due to the location of osteophytes (little bony growths from spinal vertebra).
So, what is Spondylosis?
Spondylosis is a term used to describe bony overgrowths of the vertebrae (which form the spinal column). Sometime referred to Osteoarthritis, but spondylosis involves further wear and tear of the vertebra, such that parts of the bone grow where they shouldn t.
Spondylosis is a degenerative condition, which is most common in the lumbar (lower back) region, although it can occur in the neck and upper back too. Your lower back endures the most amount of strain, particularly at the L3 region, about an inch above your pelvis bones. Another factor is the weight of the rest of the spinal column above the lower spine.
In many cases, spondylosis will not cause any symptoms. Sometimes people discover wear and tear in the spine when a scan or x-ray for another reason is done. Pain and other symptoms are only present if the bony overgrowths are causing irritation to other structures, resulting in lower back pain and inflammation.
Spinal ligaments, nerves or the disc can all cause pain and occasionally, when specific nerves are being irritated by the bony growths, pain may radiate into other areas, or causing tingling or numbness into the legs or arms for neck spondylosis.
Treatment Options
Osteopaths can relieve a lot of the muscle tension, ligament pain and joint dysfunction associated with spondylosis. Although the cause cannot be cured, significant symptomatic relief can be achieved.
Treatments such as heat packs and massage may be beneficial to ease acute episodes of pain. For those suffering with long-term back pain, a brace may provide extra support.
Posture should be a primary concern. Poor lumbar and pelvic posture can exacerbate the problem. For example, being aware when sitting for long periods, that correct posture is maintained. A lumbar roll can help with this. When standing, PCI s correct posture for the long term.
Good core strength, lower back muscle tone and flexibility is super important. Because the lower back is vulnerable when weak to episodes of pain, correcting imbalances greatly helps with posture and so back pain. With lower back pain it is common to have tight hamstrings and hip flexors and weak buttock and abdominal muscles.
Finding the right low impact exercise for each individual, like swimming can be real beneficial to maintain strength and tone, preventing further wear and tear and reducing pain.
Nutrition Medicine treatment:
Omega 3 fats, for inflammation
Glucosamine and Chondroitin
Silica, Magnesium, Vitamin C, Boron, Manganese
The Spine with Disc problems
High Dose Vitamin B3 therapy (niacinamide)